
Join IPNA Junior Working Group Program

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International Pediatric Nephrology Association

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IPNA Junior Working Group Program


The International Pediatric Nephrology Association (IPNA) launched the Junior Working Group in 2014 to establish strong links between IPNA and early career nephrologists from different regions around the world.
The working group, comprises one representative from each of the seven regional societies (i.e., ALANEPE, ANZPNA, ASPN, AFPNA, ESPN, JSPN, and AsPNA).
The group elects one representative from among its members to sit on IPNA council for a maximum of two years.
The first junior working group completes its tenure in 2017.
This is a call for nominations to the second working group, with a term proposed for 2018-2021.

Colleagues under 37 years of age who are keen to represent their regional society and participate in the activities of the IPNA should apply for this position. The job description of the junior working group is as follows: Involvement in IPNA life and prospects, Participation in the organization and delivery of IPNA sponsored regional educational events, Suggest topics for guidelines and standards, Creating a network/forum for young nephrologists aiming to foster education and collaboration

Applications should be submitted no later than 15 August 2017.
Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Successful applicants will be announced by email in the first week of November 2017.


IPNA Administrative Office
c/o Europa Organisation
19, allée Jean Jaurès BP 61508
31 015 Toulouse

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