
The 9th International Conference on Pediatric Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (PCRRT)
Save the Date!  August 31-Sept 2, 2017 

The 9th International Conference on Pediatric Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (PCRRT) will occur at the Disney Site Hotel in Orlando, FL the Yacht and Beach Club.  

This continuation of the biannual meeting will be a forum for Nursing, Physicians, Pharmacists as well as Veterinary Medicine physicians involved in Pediatric CRRT and Renal Replacement Therapies.  

This next year’s meeting will have a host of international speakers whose expertise extends to all areas of Kidney disease and need for renal replacement therapy. 

Topics of interest this next year will include focus on neonatal AKI and devices, ongoing updated research in AKI and RRT, as well as focus  on hepatic support systems.  Sessions on the basics to complex therapies will continue to be the style of this meeting.  This meeting serves the purposes of new as well as establish programs.  Having all medical health professionals in the same forum allows for collegial interchanges of ideas with focused on best practice on the care of critically ill children. 

Like the London meeting there will be a pre congress workshop with all aspects of ECMO, CRRT, SLED, PD, HD and Plasmapheresis.  

Like meetings in the past, abstracts will be solicited and awarded for both speaking as well as poster presentations.  CME as well as CEU credits will be awarded. 

Keep this date open and details of the meeting will be available mid fall this year at our web site www.pcrrt.com 

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you next years